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Hotel Nassauer Hof - Wiesbaden


The Hotel Nassauer Hof is a brilliant Belle Epoque era grand hotel. From the moment we pulled up in our car out the front, not one, but two door men came running out with umbrella's to shepherd us inside while it lightly rained. A fantastic first impression! The hotel itself is superb in every way. Our room was magnificent with a marvellous view of the Wiesbaden casino across the road. The public areas of the hotel are magical. We were blown away by the breakfast area. The piano lounge was magnificent, and the bar looks awesome, but as it is a smoking zone, we were unable to stay in there longer than 30 seconds. The hotel is walking distance from the luxury shopping strip and other main attractions. Only the iconic historic Russian Orthodox Church requires a car to get to. All in all, this hotel is spectacular, and we cannot wait to return!

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