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Hengda Hotel - Guangzhou


The moment you pull up in your taxi/private limousine at this hotel, you feel like you have arrived at Versailles or Peterhof. Fountains and majestic palatial gardens dominate the landscape as does the sweeping stair case leading to the front entrance. The lobby is a mind blowing central dome with marble and granite by the ton. The service was attentive, though finding staff away from the front service desk who can speak English is rather problematic. The suite allocated to me was massive and with views of the front gardens and nearby river. The bathroom was marble and simply cap it off, there was a TV embedded in the bathroom wall so you can watch while having a bath! Luxury plus! The only let down was the swimming pool which is more an Olympic training pool with cold water as opposed to a heated leisure pool. But that is only a small quibble. The breakfast lounge was most impressive with a wonderful array of culinary delights that would suit the tastes of nearly everyone. The hotel is somewhat far from the central business district, but all the same, it was an incredible experience that I would not hesitate returning to again!

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