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The hotel is not the usual type of place that my wife and I would usually stay at, given that the hotel was built in 1983 and is very much a modernist architectural creation. Having said that, the service was excellent, the room was excellent and the Chinese president was also staying there at the same time as us! No, we didn't get to see him, before you ask, but the security detail around the hotel was massive and all that was missing was some snipers scanning the hotel. Maybe they were there afterall? We entered through a side door and whisked through a metal detecting device similar to the ones you go through at an airport. In addition we were then patted down and our suit cases checked in the off chance that my wife and I were assassins employed by some foreign secret service. It was all very cold war like in all it's absurdity, yet it was all exciting at the same time and added a sense of intrigue to our otherwise uneventful holiday to that point! Once inside everything was business as usual and we did enjoy our stay. The Grand Ducal Palace is nearby as is the Place d'Armes and National Museum of Art and History. Also nearby are Notre-Dame Cathedral and the Casemates du Bock. The only (minor) quibble stems from the fact that we paid in full when we booked the hotel room and then upon returning home we discovered that they charged us yet again after our stay. To the hotel's credit, they fixed this up after we sent an email pointing out the error. All in all, nothing to worry about.

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